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Not having a Retirement Saving will cost you.

Only 58% of people are actively saving for retirement.  It means that 42% are not putting money for retirement.  48% of people have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. One in 10 people is saving 15% or more of their monthly income toward retirement.  Most people spend more time in planning their vacation than their retirement.  How much time have you spent in planning your longest vacation…your retirement?

Most people are not saving early in life for retirement.  It can create serious financial problems later in life during the retirement years. One of the greatest fears of an individual is to live too long and run out of money.  If you are at age 71, you will live till 85 or longer, living to age 100 is not uncommon anymore.  A majority of people are learning about retirement by word of mouth from their family, friends or coworkers.  If retirement planning is important, wouldn’t you like to learn it from a professional instead?

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